Recognition, Praise & Motivation

RPM: Recognition, Praise & Motivation

[One 4-hour session or two 2-hour sessions]

Relationship is everything in the world of work today.

Did you ever wonder why one company pays their talent the same as another, yet gets so much more production from them?

And more of their best people make long term commitments to stay?

Plus, job openings don’t have to be advertised as often because workers effectively recruit top notch candidates.

When motivation is solely based on compensation, you’re playing a losing game. Eventually you’ll get tired of paying to keep good talent or somebody else will outbid you.

It’s the wrong path to take.

So, how do you have this winning situation, with workers happy and thriving?

Just some of what you'll learn...

Maybe it was just sheer luck in hiring all the right people in the first place?

Almost certainly not. Hiring is a part of it, but there’s so much more.

RPM — Recognition, Praise & Motivation — gives each supervisor and manager tools to build better, stronger, longer lasting, more mutually profitable working relationships.

It’s not magic that delivers results like that, and it’s also not a mystery.

Worker motivation and higher engagement is within your reach! Schedule RPM for your organization.

  • The right and wrong ways to deliver praise.
  • How to understand worker needs.
  • How to make your company a magnet for attracting the best talent.
  • The principles and benefits of recognition.
  • Strategies to keep recognition and praise “top of mind”.
  • How to reach the new generations of workers.
  • Developing a retention strategy.
  • The 3 most important words in motivating people.
  • 8 sure ways to motivate anybody.
  • Ways to build a motivation program that really works.

Very valuable and informative. Made me realize the importance of recognition, praise and motivation. I wanted to share this with all department supervisors.

Cecilia Anas
Moylan's Insurance Underwiters

It will make you want to re-evaluate yourself and try new methods in order to be better as an individual and supervisor.

Alan Calugay 
City Hill Guam