We’re Headed For an Older Guam Workforce
July 3, 2018 — With an increasingly higher cost of living, people today are working further into their lives and retiring later. This isn't going to be a short-term trend and Guam is included in that.
Do You Want Your Boss Calling at 3AM?
June 26, 2018 — Would you be OK with the boss ringing you up at a strange hour, when he or she is worried about something? Do you love the idea or do you hate it?
S.A.F.E. Way to Handle Service Breakdowns
June 19, 2018 — Oh no, you've dropped the ball and now a customer is really mad. This is a disaster. Or maybe a golden opportunity. Which is it?
When You’re the Smartest One in the Room
June 12, 2018 — The quote goes something like this: "If you're the smartest person in the room, you need to find another room." So what does this statement really mean?
There’s No “Just” in Your Job Title
June 5, 2018 — When people ask you what you do for a living, how you answer says a lot about how you feel about your job, your employer and yourself.
The NFL Policy on Protests Makes (Business) Sense
May 29, 2018 — None of us is free from the responsibility to see that individual rights are protected. Our methods must be carefully chosen so that we don't trample the rights of others in the process.
Get Rid of Annual Employee Evaluations
May 22, 2018 — Except for the few who enjoy meaningless torture, it's pretty much unanimous: Annual evals are an expensive waste of time and should be done away with.
The greatest speech ever made about work
May 15, 2018 — Dr. King spoke about the workplace, and not just about pushing management for equality in pay, benefits and working conditions. He also held the workers themselves accountable.
Texting and Worker Disengagement
Employee engagement is already extremely low. The Gallup organization has pegged it at between 25-35% for most industries. Can phone use and engagement co-exist?
The Dangers of Labeling People
Mothers and grandmothers know well that any time a child misbehaves, you separate the kid from the behavior. You better believe the same rule applies to the workplace.